Tag Archives: parent

Little eyes and motivation.


Its hard to find the get up and go for my workouts, five days a week. I’ve made a commitment to myself to stick with it and make time to invest in myself, but life makes it difficult to follow through, at times.

When I’m grasping for time and energy, I really have to dig deep to remind myself why I started this journey. Workout motivation memes, progress pictures, little pre-game mind tricks, and mental mantras make a dent in my excuses and get me on my feet, but nothing puts a fire under my ass like my two year old daughter.

I can’t explain the passion to follow through that I feel when I notice her little eyes watching me train. I feel motivated by her when she pulls out her pretend “barbell” so she can squat with me, during a workout. We do burpees and crunches together. We hit cardio hard! She gets me sweating, because I’ll be damned if I let a two year old show me up, haha! 

More than the fun competition, I enjoy the bout of motivation she sparks in me. When I want to give up or slack on my reps, I see her watching me, and wanting to be like me, and I realize I’m doing this for not only me, but for her. I want to be her hero, her super mom. I find the strength- that surge of beast mode- and I can give my all to finish. I owe it to her.

This journey may be a solo adventure, but the benefits of my commitment effect far more than just me. Those little eyes are the best motivation a girl can ask for!