Tag Archives: lifting

Welcome to the Box.


I like intensity.

I have stressed this fact before. Since the start of my fitness journey I have tried many, many, many styles of exercise, and the one thing I can clearly say is a motivator are the fast-paced, sweat dripping, heart racing type of activities that keep me coming back. Hiit workouts are notorious for getting the blood pumping, but Ive found that most of them lack a strength component.

I keep hearing all this fuss about a magical community where intensity is KING, lifing is the sister of crazy cardio conditioning. The gym is bare bones, compared to fancy smancy “training facilities”, and the members know each other as famiy.

My first involvement with Crossfit was ages ago,  directly after the birth of mini-me. The start of my fitness journey lead me to a Crossit gym -ahem, its called a “box”- for a basic strength training bootcamp. I did not train for Crossfit then, but I gained ALL my lifting and form knowledge from that 3 mont experience.

So, you can imagine, my excitment walkng into a new Box for an introductory class. I was so hyped up, earlier this week, going in for a free class. A little back story…Ive been wanting to join Crossfit for the last year and a half. Secretly, Ive been dreaming of becoming superhuman, and this is apparently how you achieve that! Ha. Over the last year, an amazing friend of mine has worked hard to get some crazy results from joining the Box. I hear the stories of encouragement, community, and professionalism, all the time! Figured it was time to see for myself.

Contact was simple. I had been bugging the owner over the last year about my fitness goals and the round up of info to possibly join. He has to be a patient man. A whole year of open-ended conversations with this weird woman, who won’t join. I’d have lost my mind if the roles were different.

This time was different- I wanted to follow through with a tour. When I arrived for my trial workout I was greeted quickly and meet the staff. They apologized for it being an advanced workout, but that they would show me how to modify as we got into it. Boy, were they right! SNATCH DAY. I won’t go into it, but lets just say I am NOT Superhuman, yet.

By the end of the full warmup, workout, and catching my breath, things were looking very challenging. Sweat was dripping, heart was racing, and I had meet some nice superheros’.

I had found my intensity. My community.

My Box.

Better sore, than injured.


Today is my 4th day taking on the Leangains nutrition schedule. I must say that this morning was difficult. I knew it was coming, though. For.the last three days, I have followed an 16 hour fasted state, along with an 8 hour feeding window. This was going pretty alright the first two days, but yesterday I was beginning to feel a little bloated during my feeding, and counting the minutes until the end of my daily fast.

Today I woke up with full intention to continue going about it this way, but around 9am, hunger hit. It hit hard. So hard I felt like I was depriving myself of nurishment.  It’s not like I was craving fries and a latte. I wanted clean, nutritious food. And water.

After debating if changing my course was a cop out or not, I strongly decided to open my feeding window, instead of giving up. I’m going to try a 14 hour fast with a 10 hour feeding window. This is sometimes recommended for Leangains or intermittent fasting females, anyway, so why not try it. I enjoyed a healthy early lunch at 10:15 a.m. and was satisfied until about 2p.m. I continued to follow the rest of the guidelines, and even stick with my recommended dose of additional fiber. Opening the feeding window took some stress off the timeframe, and gave me more time to actually enjoy and eat intuitively. I like 14:10 ALOT MORE.

Things are getting easier to plan, ahead of time. I am even getting better at identifying fats, carbs, protiens, and my micronutrients, to better reach my daily goal. Macros are getting pretty easy. Even if I don’t stick with intermittent fasting for the long haul, and give it up one day, I really want to keep a macro goal style of diet. I’ve heard alot about IIFYM, but hey, one thing at a time!

Today was a scheduled strength training day. My body is sore. I was sore hours after Mondays workout. I was sore alllllll day yesterday. And I’m sore now. I’m not crazy enough to force a workout with a body that just is not ready to give it’s all. Training for weightloss, or anything for that matter, is a very tricky thing. You want to continue with the momentum, but sometimes it’s smart to hold back until you can really provide the right intensity, stamina, or endurance. With my legs feeling like ice picks, there was no way I would have been able to properly deadlift, or power squat. No way! Injuries can happen. Sure, I could have put up and half ass it, but that’s not what I’m here for. It’s all or nothing! That attitude has propelled me into shedding 33 pounds, and finally with a mindset to keep it off.

My arms weren’t nearly as sore as my legs, back, and midsection, but it’s just smart to keep the workout intact, and not chop it up too much.

So I skipped a workout.

Tomorrow will be the day. I’ll bring my A game. I’m actually excited because I truly look forward to strength training days.

Here’s a look at today’s nutrition stats:


I was golden for calorie consumption, fiber, and water intake. I came up short on carbs… which is not a bad thing, especially since I was invited to dinner at Olive Garden tonight with my family. Protein could have been better :/

Overall, since I altered my feeding window, went out to dinner( during the feeding window), and didn’t work out, I’d say it equals out just fine.


Feels good to be back…


I took a good week to relax and refocus on everything but fitness. Well, I intended to take a week- ended up being about four days. I enjoyed my time, but quickly began to feel the negatives of breaking away from my fitness regimen. I became sluggish, tired, cranky. I had many moments when I would miss doing something active to get my energy flowing.

I missed running the most.  Spinning was a close second, and oddly enough I could do without weight training but I yarned for leg day. There were a few moments when I even hoped to sneak in a quick HIIT training. I held my word and stuck with my little TLC WEEK, for a couple days, but I broke my streak on Thursday.

Thursday I cleaned the entire house and ended up redecorating the furniture the way I had been wanting it. This included creating a little cardio area for my treadmill and recumbent bike. I had been planning to move things around all year and just never made time to. Without a workout planned that morning and my daughter at school, I figured I’d make use of my small amount of energy. I’m happy I did! Turned out great!

Thing is, I was so excited about this little cardio space that I was so ready to use it. I was the same way when I was able to get the weight area together, earlier this year. I tried to deflect. I tried to hold out…

Somehow I ended up in my workout clothes and on the bike, pedaling fast. It was soooo nice. So many endorphins. So much mental focus. I had been waiting to start working out again, so this was an unexpected treat. It felt good to end my night with a good workout.

Fast forward to yesterday.


I went running.


Ok. Ok. I KNOW. TLC WEEK?! It’s officially over now, so I’m ready to get back to it. I’m sooo ready. During the week break, I did get to make a decision to focus more on overall weightloss and 10k training. I’ve decided to start a training program, using Endomondo, to compete in a 10k upon the end of training. This doesn’t mean that I’m giving up on lifting. NEVER. I’m going to crosstrain, so I can make the best of my 10k training. Although my new schedule will be specific to my run training, it will be varied with various types of running, full body weight lifting, and cycling. I’m still using yoga as a supplement to my training, also, since it helps so much and I enjoy it.

I’m looking forward to starting up again. The first day of 10k training starts tomorrow!

“Fatty”, the fitness addict.


When you think of a gym rat you’d likely think of a sculpted beach body or that guy with more muscles than you can count before daring to blush. We often glorify the local fitness fanatic as someone thin and in “shape”,  ready for next summers bikini body. Tons of instagram hotties grace the screen with workout videos and selfies of rock hard glutes. You dream to be like that. We all do. It’s part of the journey.

It’s no surprise that fitness junkies are stereotyped to be low body fat body types. It’s what we’re fed to believe daily, but what if I told you I’m nearly 40lbs overweight and fluffier than I care to be, but I’m a fitness addict?

Sure, fat folks can enjoy a good gym burn just as much as those chiseled bodies. We may not be at the peak of our journeys but the main focus is that we enjoy the journey and the hard work it takes to get there.

I figured this topic deserves a letter, so here goes:

I’m fat. I’m overweight and tired. I’m lifting weights that may seem “low weight” to your typical National Bikini Body Contestant. I’m fine with that because when my muscles burn and my heart races, I feel invincible. I feel powerful and undefeated. I tap into my endorphines because I won’t allow myself to be defeated.

I could sleep in. I could eat that tub of ice cream that I have hidden for a rainy day, but I wont. I keep coming back to my morning run, my Barre class,  the weight room, and that boot camp class that I love to hate. I keep coming back. You know why? Because not only am I commited, but I’m addicted. I am a fitness junkie. I’m fluffy and round and I am in love with my workout routine. I crave it more than I crave excuses.

So don’t judge me because I’m not a size 3…yet, because I’ll get there. And when I do, I’ll remember how hard I worked to earn it.

– Overweight Fitness Fanatic.

My Inner Dialoge.


My alarm goes off and I roll over just enough to grace my phone with my index finger.
Now, I can get back to my beautiful dreamland.
—No need to wake up because it’s Fall Break, and mini me spent the night before with her grandparents. Zzzzzzz.—

Damn it. I have to pee.
Waddle down the hallway and into the bathroom.
The fact that it’s “double down day” pops into my foggy brain.
—That’s what I call Monday- typically my favorite workout day because it’s purposely leg day AND run club day.
If I schedule two of my favorite workouts on the same day – the most hated day of the week- I’ll enjoy it, right?! Yeahhhhh.—
Waddle back to bed. Cover my face with blankets and ZzzzZzzzzz.

Whew. Now, that’s what I call sleeping in! I’m ready FOR THE DAY! What does that entail anyway? Shopping? Getting insurance on my new car? Laying around watching…..woah…double day..:(
UGH. Why did I decide that was a good idea? Who schedules two workouts in one day, on the one day I’m kid free?!? Nope. Not doing it. I’m relaxing today. I deserve it. Look at my track record from this month!

I’ll feel like crap if I don’t stick to my plan. I scheduled this for a reason. Soo close to my 30lb goal. Two more lbs and I can actually hit it by this weekend. Dooooo it. Just get up. Drive to the gym. Feel motivated and rock it.

Ok, so I’m still in bed. Laying around is not exactly “driving to the gym”. Facebook sucked me in! I’m too tired to workout today. Maybe I’ll just go running later and skip my weight training. :sigh: I’m a GENIUS!!!

Ok. Fine. FINE!
:leans over side of bed:
I’ll put my workout shirt on, and just go straight in the living room and go beast mode in the home gym. No thinking. Just go! Just get up and start. You really do want to do this. You’ll thank me after. …..GO.




Well. That was easy. I can do that again! BRING IT ON! You want some of thissssss?!?!


Got some energy now… I guess I can do my run later 😉

Weather is great. Can’t wait to get to the park and run.



Slow and steady. Short and sweet. Perfect! Legs were needing a stretch.

I’m sore and achey. FEEL GREAT! Today was awesome and worth it. I’m glad I pushed myself. I’m glad I stuck to my plan. …
Thanks inner me 😉 :grumbled  voice:—

I’m official.


It’s official.

I may be 40 pounds overweight.

I may huff and puff as I struggle to keep my pace, while running.

I might even run in the wrong workout apparel.

Sue me.

My intervals are getting tighter.

My breathing is getting smoother.

I’m quicker.

I’m lapping people up on the trail!

So, no, I may not look like the stereotypical, ideal runner that you see depicted in magazines.

But guess who got their first toe blister!?!

ME!!! And that totally makes me official…

Eyes on the thighs…I mean prize!


I’m relatively new to the weight room. I started my weight training at a Crossfit gym, three years ago. The scenery of that was the typical “box” that you always hear about. It was open, friendly, sparsely equiped, and very coed. I later took a try at boot camp. It was also coed. There seemed to be more women than men, to be honest, and the staff was very engaged during every session.

I ended up taking time away from my beloved boot camp to focus on other things, but continued to build a small, well functioning home gym. Dumbbells, barbell, treadmill, stationary bike, stair
climber, bench, box, mats, plates, you name it. I’m VERY proud of my little gym. It’s quite special to me. Although I love working out in the confines of my own home, without paying a membership; I am a stay at home mom/ wife, so I enjoy getting out and carving out some “me time” at an actual gym.

This is why I joined a local gym. When time gets the best of me I still rely on my home gym to get the job done, but I try to cut excuses and schedule time to get to the gym. Now, my gym has the friendliest staff in the world. Seriously. They make you feel like friends when you come in, and they cheer you on and notice when your not coming in, haha. The members are quite amazing also. I haven’t met anyone who hasn’t smiled and said a kind word. This is exactly why I feel at home. As I should, spending about 4 days out of the week there (unless time forces me to crank up in the home gym).

The weight room, is still a bit intimidating to me, though. It’s the mega male epicenter of the gym. Sweat, grunting, guys throwing guy talk around- this was sooo overwhelming the first day I entered the weight room. I was already confused because I had to find my way around. I was starting a new workout plan, so I had to constantly glance at my phone. I was a mess, thinking everyone was staring at me, jugding.

First off, no one gave a care. They were there to do their thing, and so was I. I figured out my route and got more comfortable every time I went back. Now, I’m not even phased by the guys in there. Occasionally, there’s a girl or two, getting her beast mode in action, but it’s rare. C’mon ladies, lift with me! But seriously, being a chick in a male dominated area of the gym makes me feel like a badass!

I’m not lifting nearly as heavy as them, but I can stand on my own! I’m there to improve myself, and that’s the only thing I have to focus on. When I leave the gym, I feel amazing. I feel unstoppable and powerful, because I am sticking to it and making progress. I’m stronger than I was yesterday, and will continue to grow.

And a bunch of stinky boys with muscle cooties aren’t going to ruin that for me.

No rest for the willing.


I have a pretty active schedule when it comes to fitness. I workout 5 days a week, and rest two days out of the week. My rest days are scheduled for the weekend, so I can enjoy two solid days of relaxation, and family time.

Now, I enjoy this R&R, but I always have this nagging, explosive feeling that I could be out running, or lifting. That feeling builds from morning til evening, and I resist it because I’m a badass. Ok. I’m lying – I cave. But only because I enjoy being active. I think I’ve altered my lifestyle so drastically that when I’m supposed to be resting my body and mind are like, “let’s go, let’s do thisssss!” And THAT makes me a badass! Not because I can work out when I’m supposed to be resting, but because I have honestly changed my own life for the better. That’s the bigger picture here!

Anyway. Yesterday, rest day numero uno, I was tempted to do some yoga. I figured it would be smooth and relaxing. I needed the stretch and self love, so yoga fit the bill.

It felt soo good! I took my time. Encouraged deep breathing and really listened to my achey body parts. So much tension was released, and after the session I could definitely feel my muscles reacting. It was a very good decision!

I had it in my mind that I’d do a run today. A little tiny one mile jog. Nothing crazy. I’ve changed my mind, though. I deserve a full rest day. My body has worked hard this week. It’s done some intense stuff. It’s really making “GAINS”, so my mind will have to take back seat til tomorrow.

Hope you all have a great Sunday! I’ll be here, getting my rest on 😉

Gains from losses.


We all want that glistening, sculpted, bikini bod. If not, you’re one out of a few, and likely reading the wrong blog. Haha. I’ve been digging deep to summon my inner beach body. She’s starting to awaken under my once flabby outer layers. She’s breaking free -well erupting rather – and making small appearances in the mirror. 

My face is slimming. My waist is flattening. My legs feel firm. The little jiggle that dangled from my arm just doesn’t dance the same anymore. Oh, and I’m smiling! I’m loving this change. This progress is well EARNED! 

Even more, this progress takes time to process. No one tells you about the mind altering uprising that comes along with a weightloss transformation. Sure, for anyone dropping 5-10 lbs this may not be an issue, but for someone destroying 20 lbs or more – this is critical. 

You start to look a little different. It’s rewarding to see the success. You might get addicted to seeing how much change you’ve worked for. After this, you start to think differently about yourself. This could lead to positive, or negative, or both. Some days I believe I’m a bombshell! Some days I see all my flaws that need even more work. Weightloss is a total mindf@&k to someone who has had to struggle for awhile to achieve results. When you finally reach a goal, it’s almost enlightening to see the new you. To feel the satisfaction that you did it… You made a commitment and this is what you have done!

It’s not a bad thing. Yes, folks on the outside see you recording your meals religiously, living in workout apparel, and constantly talking about your gym PR’s; but damnit- your excited!

So maybe my bikini clad she-vixen is deep inside, cheering me on and keeping her eye on the prize. Maybe I get a little too focused on my fitness journey. I could seem vain, insecure, obsessed, elated, celebrated, or addicted, but I’m really just counting my gains ( and all its glory). It’s all about the gains.

Welcome to the gun show…


Waking up was hard today. I was sore and achey from yesterday’s double down- leg day and a 2 mile run. I was pretty impressed with myself for hitting a 13 minute mile. It was a personal best, for me! I celebrated by sticking to a clean eating  challenge that I joined in on for this week. I prepared one of my favorites for dinner- salmon and fresh steamed broccoli and cheese!

I digress. Even after having a momentary struggle with myself this morning to force my butt out of bed, once I finally did get on my feet, it was worth it. I decided to weigh myself on the scale. My sweat pants were feeling a little loose this last week, so I figured it was time to see what progress was made, if any (the scale hates me, and likes to show more gains than losses… Typical of muscle gain but, damnit, I like that diminishing number!)

I hoisted up my head, took a deep breath, and stepped on. It declared a 26 pound total weightloss! I’m totally OK with that. I’ve lost another 1.6 lbs since last week, and I am pumped!

Can’t deny that the scale info put a little umph in my step. So maybe that’s that’s why I decided to top my pace from yesterday’s run, this morning. When I got the park I had motivation running through me and I knew I could beat my time! I walked faster, made my strides larger, ran quicker, and my breathing was on point! I was focused; so you can imagine the shock I encountered when my tracker informed me that I completed my 1st mile in 11 minutes and 10 seconds. 

I’d be lying to you if I said it wasn’t emotional. In fact, it was so emotional that I cried as I slowed down to check my phones statistics.  I am so proud of how far I’ve come- I started with an 18 minute mile, and here I am. This is progress. If feels great!

I still have to make time for my upper body strength training workout, later today, but I’m looking forward to it. With a day filled with so many good fitness surprises, a girl can only hope I make some lifting records with my big guns! Ha ha.