Dear Pilates,


Dear Pilates,

I don’t like you. The first time I had to breathe deep, while focusing on my core, I was left laying on my back daydreaming about why I even signed up for this nonesense.

It all started with my annoyance for low intensity. I like getting amped up. I mean sweat dripping, knees high, arms shaking, abs burning, grunting type intensity. It puts me in just the right mind space to pretend I’m unstoppable. Then enter you. Slow, calm, and steady, with 10 second holds that bring me to boredom. I have too much time to think when I’m doing pilates. At least with yoga the stretching relieves the soreness from previous ninja fights…I mean workouts. Ahem.

So, you must be just as shocked as I was when I actually enjoyed the pilates workout from 21 Day Fix Extreme. But then again, my body was trembling from the moves. I’m sure it could be calming and boring for someone just going through the motions, but I went in with full intention to up the ante. I pushed with full intensity, if pilates would allow that. I wasn’t sure, but it delivered. Six hours later, and I’m still thinking about how fun the workout was.

I guess my hatred will be placed on a brief hold, for now. I can’t commit to “loving” pilates because that’d simply be insane. I can, however, say I enjoyed it and was surprised by today’s workout. I’ll definitely look forward to it for next week.

You’re cool.

….for now, pilates.

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